Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lend me your ear!

Prithee good sirs and ladies, lend me thine ears!

...Ok to much Shakespeare. Unfortunately, I need to keep up with my readings if that is all I do. In fact, as I type this I should in fact be finishing multiple assignments due within 48 hours. But once again distraction calls me away. Alas, so is the life of a humble university student. However, all is not lost! I was thinking what can I do that is at least somewhat productive (and not the addicting Facebook) and decided that I can at least allow my readers the ability to learn from my life. In so doing I also hope to get thoughts whirling chaotically around in my head down onto the page and thus free of my ever overcrowded head.

Well I am not a man of infinite wisdom in any regards I do count myself a member of a social society that is changing and worth studying. Perhaps what I say is of no consequence. So be it. Yet I think nothing anyone says is without a lesson to be learned. Than again perhaps this site is more "Much Ado about Nothing" than anything in-particular.

In any case. I feel I can no longer justify my avoidance of work. I leave you with but a picture and some links to other blogs I find interesting.


Two Blogs of Interest:

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