Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bringing back the Proverbial "Renaissance Man"

Ever see the show Undergrads? Well if you have you will note that the characters often try to get the full college experience. Thats the stage my good friend and I stand at right now but on an even bigger level. Not only do we want to experience college but we want a more fulfilling life. This blog is in fact a part of my plan to give myself a chance to put into form many of the passing ideas that I want to bring to fruition.

Unfortunately I have come across a problem that I feel many others like myself also experience. Motivation, or lack of it. A large part of this I feel stems from the wonderfully entertaining but very distracting technologies out there in society. No don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing technology in any way. That would be highly hypocritical for one who is currently typing a blog online. My complaint is the way many people approach technology.

What do you mean how one approaches technology? Simply that technology is a tool to be used and that we are being used by it instead. Ok still confused. Perhaps an example. You log on to your favorite website youtube to watch the latest phenomenon of a video. Following this you are distracted by another interesting looking video, then another and so on. Soon it is hours later and your day is over. What have you accomplished but an expanded knowledge of what others have done. This is a trap I have fallen into many times. Youtube may allow us to experience things we couldn't before but one has to take yourself a step past this and build on this newly learned info. In the past when there was no such thing as the internet and entertainment was far harder to come by people had to teach themselves the tricks of the trade in order to keep entertained. In doing this they better themselves and experienced more.

I use the example of a "Renaissance Man" in order to illustrate this. The most idealized renaissance men had to be courteous, good at an art or even multiple arts like dancing, music, painting or sculpture and also had to be able to work hard to get what they wanted. Currently, though where does our renaissance man reside now? Yes they may have watched entertainers and perhaps they were not all the best there was but by heck I'm sure they felt accomplished. I don't think many people have the same ideas as then. Part of this I find stems from another unfortunate aspect of technology, specialization. With the speed of world globalization people all over the world are getting the chance to advance there interests. Many of these people take the opportunity to specialize in something to the point that they are so good others feel they cannot live up to this. For instance, look up rubix cube on youtube. I am sure you will find people solving a rubix cube in something like 10 seconds. Well there go all my aspirations to become good at a rubix cube.

Substitute this rubix cube with any other activity in the world and I am sure there is someone better out there that is flaunting there ability on youtube. How can you keep up. It is much easier to sit in your chair and watch the best be the best then to go out and learn to become good enough to entertain yourself.

The computer and associated internet is not the only culprit associated with destroying societies will to experience life. Look at work. Myself, I enjoy going to work on almost all occasions. But i tend to notice a lot of complaints about work. I think part of our desire to not work is the cellphone. Yes that handy tool that every one carries around is actually making your work more painful. How you ask. Well before cellphones people could not text or call friends and talk to them about what other fun or more interesting things are going on in life. By finding out about something that you could have been doing instead of work you are left feeling angry at having to work. Moreover, you are less inclined to work hard which may actually make the experience of work better.Dang technology is bringing us all down despite its assurances that it is here to help us.

How to fix all this. In the case of cellphones put them away before you start your shift and don't touch it until you have finished your shift. Instead focus on what you could do around the workplace to make your work more fun. Try talking with a living person instead of talking through a machine. You meet far more new people this way and experience more life. More life! is that even possible? Yes why yes it is. After going on facebook and networking for hours get to know those people you talk with in person. Arrange to do something.

And how about youtube? Well the thing about youtube is that it sort of is the answer. Instead of just watching videos take a further step. Comment on them, heck blog on them. For Pete sake make your own. Or if this doesn't tickle your fancy take those interesting videos you see about Karate or Dancing and use them as inspiration to become a renaissance man. Take some classes of your own and experience life.

"But I don't have the time," you say. "You have enough time to be on you tube," I say. You say, "there is no dance classes in my small town that I am interested in." I say, "use that youtube site to learn dance lessons or ask around and find others with your interest and start your own club." "But i'll never be the best" you say. I reply, "To heck with being the best. One should go out and try what they want to try. If your having fun then being the best does not matter. Gosh darn, if you have enough fun you might even work to become the best." What if you like more than one activity? Then take more than one activity. Heck I am a member of multiple sorts associations and many clubs, while being in school, keeping a social life running and writing a blog. Yeah its tough. Yes you will crash and burn a few times before you find balance but that in itself is part of the experience. To fail is just a step closer to success.

So what do you say? How bout you reassess your life? Instead of just reading this EXPERIENCE IT. Add a comment. Don't just read it say "wow that was interesting" then go back to face-booking. Take the advice here and help bring back the "Renaissance Man". Get out and experience life!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lend me your ear!

Prithee good sirs and ladies, lend me thine ears!

...Ok to much Shakespeare. Unfortunately, I need to keep up with my readings if that is all I do. In fact, as I type this I should in fact be finishing multiple assignments due within 48 hours. But once again distraction calls me away. Alas, so is the life of a humble university student. However, all is not lost! I was thinking what can I do that is at least somewhat productive (and not the addicting Facebook) and decided that I can at least allow my readers the ability to learn from my life. In so doing I also hope to get thoughts whirling chaotically around in my head down onto the page and thus free of my ever overcrowded head.

Well I am not a man of infinite wisdom in any regards I do count myself a member of a social society that is changing and worth studying. Perhaps what I say is of no consequence. So be it. Yet I think nothing anyone says is without a lesson to be learned. Than again perhaps this site is more "Much Ado about Nothing" than anything in-particular.

In any case. I feel I can no longer justify my avoidance of work. I leave you with but a picture and some links to other blogs I find interesting.


Two Blogs of Interest: http://monkeyofcowpants.blogspot.com/ http://somepieceofmind.blogspot.com/